blog entry #2 - horror movie cliches
11/28/22 - Monday 1:34 pm
horror cliches are the bane of my existence. they're fun, sure, but way overused, hence the word...cliche. there's the VERY overused ones, like random little girl befriending a demon or serial killer who manages to come back every single god damn time despite getting set on fire or stabbed repeatedly. there's also the thing with a killer walking at a snails pace while their victim is BOLTING and still getting murdered. be fr.
there's also the thing with someone running from a threat and being COMPLETELY SILENT. like, if you're getting chased in a public place with houses around, SCREAM MF!!!!! bang on doors, windows, scream, yell, shout, do anything you can to get someone's attention but don't stay quiet?? that's always seemed ridiculous to me...anyways. the final girl can technically be considered a trope but we're counting it as a cliche. the final girl is one of my personal favorite tropes, since they usually give said final girl some badass moment where she gets to one up the killer or just do something cool, idk i just love it. real ones's favorite final girl is nancy thompson
i'm gonna veer off from cliches for a second and talk about how funny it is that old horror movies just made teenagers out to be a bunch of horndogs who get murdered just all the time and aside from the murder part they were partially right i guess
did anyone else hate the cliche of the killer being like. immune to bullets or fire or whatever?? i think it's dumb bc i dont care who you are satan's miserable hellspawn if i shoot you with a shotgun your ass better be going down or i quit on the spot. and another thing. why'd they make freddy a kid diddler in the 2010 remake. like. yeah his original version was still a child murderer but he wasn't a p3do??? there was literally no reason to do that it just felt like they were doing it for shock value. which surprise surprise! you can still make an amazing horror movie without gross shock value. for example, cabin in the woods! great horror movie that could explain how literally any horror movie has ever happened and manages to not be disgusting for the sake of shock value. it's gross at some points sure but not like...p3do gross, i guess. i just mean movies could be gory and stuff and still be good and not use p3dophilia for the sake of trying to shock or disgust the audience just because. i'm rambling and this probably just repeats a lot but you get my point. it's not hard to be a good horror movie and still not use sensitive topics just for the sake of shocking the viewer.
uhh anyways! back to cliches i guess. the "alone in a dark house" trope always scared me as a little kid because i was terrified of the dark and refused to sleep or go up stairs without a light on. i feel like that was a lot of people though. i just hated that trope when i was little but like it now because it's scary. overused? absofuckinglutely. does it manage to make my nerves shoot up like a rocket? y e s. ok thats all im bored
signing off, atlas ♥